Stretch Therapy & Wellness Collective
Alysa J.
Alysa Jackson has been working in the fitness and wellness industry for over ten years as a Stretch Therapist, Personal Trainer, and Physical Recovery and Corrective Specialist.
Bodywork became apart of her practice in 2021 after receiving multiple certifications and years of mentored guidance in stretch therapy, eastern medicine, cupping, and gua-sha. Her work in learning these practices still grows till this day. ​​
She established The Healing Room in 2024 as a reflection of the passion she has for the healing arts of the human body.
Alysa believes that being an educator will always keep you a student.
PNF Stretch Specialist / Stretch Therapies
Pre & Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist
Corrective Exercise Specialist
Gua-Sha Therapies
Cupping Therapies
USAW Level 1 Coaching
USAPL Coaching
Personal Training
Nutrition Specialist
Performance Training